10 Ways to Get Kids Excited About Your Next Trip

I start to get giddy from the second I begin planning a trip and the closer it get the more excited I get.  However, it sometimes takes a bit of nudging to get the kids to show a little enthusiasm.

Here are 10 ways to get your kids excited about your next trip:

Show them the hotel

I think the more exposure kids get to the destination, the more they envision what they have to look forward to. Show them pictures of the room you’ll be staying in.  Will they have their own room or will they be sharing?  Does it have a beach or a pool? Answer any questions they may have about where you’re staying.

Show them what you will do there

After you’ve done some research, show the kids what activities there are to do. Are these activities specifically for the kids (like a Kid’s Club) or will the family be doing the activity together? Will they be learning something new or trying something for the first time?

Give options of activities

When I’m creating our vacation itinerary, I plug in any activities that need to happen on a certain day. (For example, if a sunset cruise only happens on Tuesdays.)  Then I let my girls decide when we do the other activities.  Does one kid want to do something that the other doesn’t?  If so, can each parent have some one-on-one time with one kid?

Choose restaurants

 Dining should be a memorable experience, so I try to find great places to eat while we’re traveling.  Give the kids a bunch of choices and let them each pick one restaurant you’ll dine at.  If you’re eating at your condo some nights, decide how you can make it a fun experience?  (Have a picnic by the pool, eat local food from the farmer’s market, pick up some local desserts.)

Pack some toys

Let your kids pack some of their favorite toys to bring with them.  I like to see the thought process that goes into deciding what they will bring.  They need to choose what they will play with on the plane or in the restaurant.  Sometimes an old toy gets new life when you’re playing with it on a sandy beach in the Caribbean.

Shop for supplies

 Nothing screams vacation like new beach gear! We get excited about simple items like new sunscreen, flip-flops, and bathing suits.  New books and magazines are always a nice treat.  (Money saver: check out a book from your library!)

Give them a travel journal

A travel journal makes them anticipate that there is so much fun coming up that they’ll want to write it all down.  (Money saver: Try making your own journal together instead of buying one.  After your trip, you can print out pictures and assemble it into a travel photo book.)

Choose some new movies

Download some movies onto their electronics but don’t let them watch them until they are on vacation. The anticipation will make them so excited.  Choose movies they have never seen or some favorites. (Money saver: When the girls were younger we had a travel DVD player and would rent movies from the library.)

Choose some new games

Have them choose which games to download some onto their electronics. I save iTunes gift certificates they’ve gotten and let them spend them before we go.  Another tradition we have is I download some games onto their electronics that I think they’ll like.  They are not allowed to see what games they are until we are sitting at our gate waiting for the plane.  I often choose games they would never think to download and they love waiting to see what they’ll be.  You can also go old school by buying some travel game boards.

Take them to try the local cuisine

 As a family, research what the local cuisine is. Look on menus of popular restaurants and see if you can find a trend. Try to find a restaurant that serves this type of food and have fun sampling some.  Going to Italy? Take them to an authentic Italian restaurant. (Money saver: Instead of going out, buy the ingredients and make it together as a family at home.)


What tips do you have to get your kids excited about your next trip?


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