10 Ways to Reacclimate Your Family After Vacation
Your feet are sifting the grains of sand between your toes as you sip on your frozen cocktail while feeling the ocean breeze on your sun kissed cheeks. Then suddenly…BAAAAMMMM…back to reality…laundry…BAM… homework…BAM…afterschool sports…BAM…late nights at the office…BAM…the list goes on and on. It’s very easy to get sad and overwhelmed after a trip as you slip back into your everyday routine. So how can you make this emersion a little easier for your crew?
Here are 10 ways to reacclimate your family after vacation.
1. GET RIGHT BACK INTO ROUTINE: Since you may still be in laid-back mode (or running on island time) it’s all about preparation. Have your kids pack their backpacks the night before school, lay out their clothes, and even set out their coats and shoes.
2. PREP SOME DINNER: The last thing you want to think about when you return is what you’re having for dinner. Have something on hand that can quickly be reheated like a frozen pizza, canned soup, pasta, or a frozen meal.
3. BREAKFAST: Breakfast is the most important meal, so again, have some food on hand for the next morning. Oatmeal is always a good option. I like to bake muffins, pancakes, or waffles before the trip and freeze them. Don’t forget to have coffee for yourself!
4. CLEAN CLOTHES: Make sure you have clean clothes for when you return. Try to get it all washed and put away, so you don’t have to do a load of laundry when you return.
5. KEEP IT SIMPLE: Try not to plan too many extra activities for when you get back. Those playdates can wait! Try not to schedule any dentist appointments, haircuts, etc. Give yourself some time to slowly adjust.
6. GROCERY SHOPPING: Before you leave, make a grocery list for the week that you get back so you’ll be ready to head to the store the next day. If you have a grocery delivery or pickup service, schedule it for the day after you get back.
7. HOMEWORK: Homework should not wait until you get back from your trip. Have them do it on the plane, at the airport, or during down time on the trip.
8. UNPACK: You won’t feel settled if your suitcases are spread around the house, you’re searching for your toothbrush, and you have no clue where your deoterant is. Get dirty clothes into the laundry, unpack those carry-ons, and store the suitcases away as soon as possible.
9. CLEAN HOUSE: Clean your entire house before you leave on vacation. There’s nothing better than walking into a tidy house that’s clear of clutter. Make sure you run the dishwasher, clean out the fridge, and take out the trash or you’ll be in for a stinky surprise.
10. BRING BACK VACATION VIBES: Bring back those ‘vacation vibes’ by talking about memories you made on your trip. Remember the cuisine of the country you just visited by making a meal together or finding a restaurant nearby that has it on the menu. Back from an island? Throw some steel drum music on in the background during dinner or have a pina colada one afternoon.
How does your family adjust to life after vacation?