What I’ve Learned in 5 Years of Blogging…Tips for New Travel Bloggers
Blogging take A LOT of time.
It is honestly NEVER ENDING! Just when you think you are done with a piece you start to second guess yourself and change pictures, center comments, change the title, and wonder if you should scrap the whole piece. This does not even count the times you wake up at 3 a.m. and spend an hour or two developing a new piece in your head.
Set a schedule
You wouldn’t walk around blindly at a regular job, so why should blogging be any different? I find I get much more accomplished when I created “days” in my week. For example, here’s a peek at how I run my week:
Monday: “Planning Day” Start planning out next blog post and promote the one that just came out.
Tuesday: “Writing Day” Write my blog, edit, and work on SEO.
Wednesday: “Pinterest Day” I schedule posts on Tailwind, create new pins, etc. It is also “Picture Day” where I take pictures and videos.
Thursday:Â “Instagram Day” where I schedule pictures, research hashtags, etc.
Friday: “Catch Up Day” Answer all emails, work on fixing/improving things on my blog. I research info for my next blog piece.
Instagram is your best friend
Before blogging I only used Instagram to share pictures with family and friends. To be honest, I never used a hashtag in my life! I never knew how instrumental it would be in promoting my blog. You’d be surprised how important Instagram is to hotels and attractions. It is also a great source of inspiration.