Get Messy! 10 Tips for the Color Run

10 Tips for a fun Color Run for the whole family.

If you see me running around your neighborhood, I’d like you to call the police because there’s a good chance someone is chasing me.  I am not a runner.  I envy people that actually have the ability to lace up their sneakers, throw their headphones on and go for a leisure 5 mile run. I’m getting shin splints just thinking about it!  My 8-year-old daughter does an amazing program called Girls on the Run, that teaches them about self-confidence and girl power while training them for a 5K.    At the end they complete the 5K with an adult and she chose me to run it with her.  After that first run she said, “I think we should do the Color Run…you know…since we’re runners now!”  Hahaha…yep…runner…that’s me.  So on a rainy cold day in the summer of 2015 we laced up our sneakers and had the absolute best time doing this run.  Here are 10 tips about this amazing race:
