How to Get Over Jetlag

View from inside a plane looking out toward wing

How to Get Over Jetlag

Jetlag can be a nuisance when you’re chasing new adventures, but it doesn’t have to ruin your trip. Whether you’re hopping time zones for business or pleasure, here’s how to get over jetlag quickly and get back to enjoying the journey.

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule Before You Travel

One of the best ways to minimize jetlag is to start adjusting your internal clock before your trip. If you’re traveling east, go to bed an hour earlier each night for a few days. If you’re heading west, stay up a bit later. This gradual shift helps your body acclimate to the new time zone. Use blackout curtains or a sleep mask to simulate nighttime when your new destination’s clock says it’s time to sleep.

Stay Hydrated

Flying dehydrates you, and dehydration makes jetlag worse. Keep a water bottle handy and sip regularly—especially on long-haul flights. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as they can mess with your sleep and leave you feeling more drained. Hydration is key to keeping your body’s rhythms in check, so make drinking water a priority before, during, and after your flight.

Man drinking water

Sync With the Local Time Zone ASAP


Tips for Nervous Flyers

Confession…I’m a travel blogger that doesn’t love flying.  I can’t sleep on a plane, am never fully relaxed, and squeeze the heck out of the hand of the person next to me during takeoff.  Kids learn from your behavior and I want mine to love flying so I’ve learned to keep it together during flights.  I’ve developed some coping strategies that really help me while flying.  Here are my top tips for nervous flyers:


Some of my tips for nervous flyers happen before they even get on a plane. Make sure you have plenty of things to do that will keep your mind off your worries.  I love to get lost in a good movie, so I always download some onto my electronics. Don’t count on the plane to provide good movies; it’s always better to bring your own and not use them.  I also load new music onto my phone.   


 Ironically, takeoff and landing are the times when I’m most nervous and that’s when you can’t use electronics! I always plan things to do like a new book, a magazine, or a crossword puzzle. Here are some great books


First Class…Behind the Magic Curtain

I know I’ve said it before, but I have one of the sweetest husbands around.  Last February, on our way home from Europe he sat with the girls in coach for our 9-hour flight and gave his mom and I first class seats! We felt like queens up there and it was a trip home we will never forget.  If you’re like me, you may have wondered what it’s like to sit up there behind those magical curtains. Could it really be worth it? Here’s a peek at our first experience traveling in first class! (Remember that all planes are different, so experiences will vary.  This was our United flight from Switzerland to Boston.)


The seats were probably one of the best things about our flight.  Our seats lowered into that dark area where your feet go so you could recline it as much as you wanted to, even making it completely flat.


10 Ways to Survive a Layover with Kids

The days of long layovers where you sit back, enjoy a latte, and lose yourself in a good book seem to disappear after you have kids.  Layovers are a lot more work when you now have to entertain little ones.  In fact, after having kids I try to avoid layovers as much as possible, but sometimes they can’t be avoided.  Here are 10 tips for how I survive a layover:


10 Things NOT to Do When Boarding a Plane

When we were boarding the plane a few weeks ago, my daughters and I were laughing at all the ridiculous things people do when boarding a plane.  The process could go so smoothly if people would just pay attention to common sense rules.  Most of the time people don’t even realize that what they’re doing is holding up the rest of the passengers, but others are just plain selfish.   So…here are 10 things we thought people should NOT do when they’re boarding a plane:

1.     ARMS AND LEGS:  If you have an aisle seat you will have plenty of time to stretch out during the flight.  I will not feel bad for you if you get your elbow banged while I’m walking if your elbow is halfway across the aisle.  Keep them in your seat until everyone is on board!

2.    OVERHEAD BINS:  Crazy concept… but we are actually ALL sharing the overhead bins, so please set your bag sideways and allow room for others to do the same.  Don’t be that guy that puts it lengthwise right in the middle of the bin!

3.    STANDING IN AISLE: We all have the same task…put our bags up and sit down.  Please do not stand in the aisle taking out your magazines while we all wait for you.


What’s in My Travel Bag?


When my girls were toddlers my travel bag weighed a ton.  I carried supplies for three people…I was their Sherpa! When they got a little older I discovered my new best friend…a kid backpack! Suddenly they were carrying their own stuff and I had my travel bag all to myself.  What do I keep in this magical bag? Here’s a peek…
