10 Ways to Reacclimate Your Family After Vacation

10 Ways to Reacclimate Your Family After Vacation


Your feet are sifting the grains of sand between your toes as you sip on your frozen cocktail while feeling the ocean breeze on your sun kissed cheeks.  Then suddenly…BAAAAMMMM…back to reality…laundry…BAM… homework…BAM…afterschool sports…BAM…late nights at the office…BAM…the list goes on and on.   It’s very easy to get sad and overwhelmed after a trip as you slip back into your everyday routine.  So how can you make this emersion a little easier for your crew?

Here are 10 ways to reacclimate your family after vacation.   

1.     GET RIGHT BACK INTO ROUTINE: Since you may still be in laid-back mode (or running on island time) it’s all about preparation.  Have your kids pack their backpacks the night before school, lay out their clothes, and even set out their coats and shoes.      

2.    PREP SOME DINNER: The last thing you want to think about when you return is what you’re having for dinner.  Have something on hand that can quickly be reheated like a frozen pizza, canned soup, pasta, or a frozen meal.


10 Things NOT to Do When Boarding a Plane

When we were boarding the plane a few weeks ago, my daughters and I were laughing at all the ridiculous things people do when boarding a plane.  The process could go so smoothly if people would just pay attention to common sense rules.  Most of the time people don’t even realize that what they’re doing is holding up the rest of the passengers, but others are just plain selfish.   So…here are 10 things we thought people should NOT do when they’re boarding a plane:

1.     ARMS AND LEGS:  If you have an aisle seat you will have plenty of time to stretch out during the flight.  I will not feel bad for you if you get your elbow banged while I’m walking if your elbow is halfway across the aisle.  Keep them in your seat until everyone is on board!

2.    OVERHEAD BINS:  Crazy concept… but we are actually ALL sharing the overhead bins, so please set your bag sideways and allow room for others to do the same.  Don’t be that guy that puts it lengthwise right in the middle of the bin!

3.    STANDING IN AISLE: We all have the same task…put our bags up and sit down.  Please do not stand in the aisle taking out your magazines while we all wait for you.


10 Best Apps for Planning Your Trip



Since so much goes into planning a trip, it is wonderful to get some help. Luckily, help is right at your fingertips.  The following are the top 10 apps that I use when I am planning a trip.


What’s in My Travel Bag?


When my girls were toddlers my travel bag weighed a ton.  I carried supplies for three people…I was their Sherpa! When they got a little older I discovered my new best friend…a kid backpack! Suddenly they were carrying their own stuff and I had my travel bag all to myself.  What do I keep in this magical bag? Here’s a peek…


Why You Should Leave Your Resort When on Vacation




Although it is so much fun to lie around the pool or beach at your resort, I find it so disheartening when I hear someone say they didn’t leave the property.  When you are at an all-inclusive resort, the urge to stay on property may keep you from experiencing some memory-making moments.  So what could possibly be gained by leaving the resort?


Picking the Right Island Destination for your Family


Beaches Negril, Jamaica

Beaches Negril, Jamaica

So you’ve decided to take an island vacation with your family. Now what? There are still lots of places you could go and now you’ll need to decide which island is best for you. This is where it takes some investigation. I am a visual person so I like to see the beauty of the different islands. I like to visit sites such as Pinterest and Google Images and I ooohhh and aaahhh over all of the gorgeous beaches and landscapes. So which one will be your vacation?   Here is how I go about picking the right island destination for your family.


Planning Your Family Vacation


One of the hardest parts of planning a trip is deciding where you want to go. Let’s face it, this is a make it or break it decision. Sometimes the “Wouldn’t it be cool…” vacations do not end up being the right fit for your family. Or a vacation that the Smith family loved ends up being the worst possible vacation for yours. With such small amounts of travel time we allow ourselves and the fact that no trees around my house are sprouting money, each vacation has to count.

So you know you want to take a trip and you know you want to take it at a certain time, now where do you even begin to start the planning process?  It’s all in the questions…
