10 Tips for Visiting La Boqueria in Barcelona


If you want a delicious place to learn about the culture and cuisine of Barcelona, head on over to the famous La Boqueria, located off Las Ramblas, and be prepared for all your senses to go into overdrive! As you pass through the iron entrance, you will head into a world full of tempting aromas, colorful treats, and mouthwatering sights.  I would recommend coming with an empty stomach because there is lots to experience.  I admit that it can be a bit overwhelming, so here are 10 tips for visiting La Boqueria.


The market draws a crowd every day, so if possible, head there early to avoid the mobs of tourists that show up at around 11:00.  The market is open from 8:00 am until 8:30 pm, Monday through Saturday.  It is closed on Sundays.  Some people suggest going later in the day, but I think the vendors are sometimes too busy cleaning up and putting things away that they will not pay much attention to you.  Early morning is best!


Don’t buy the first thing you see.  Lots of vendors sell the same items and there can be a big price difference.  Walk around the market and look for the best quality and the best value before buying something.


Vendors at the front of the market have a higher rent than those in the back, so they will most likely sell their food at a higher price.  Head deeper inside to find a good deal.



Gramma in a Box Subscription Box…March Box

Last month I told you about my girls’ new favorite subscription box, Gramma in a Box. It features three tasty treats that does all the work…leaving you the fun! Since they were kind enough to send us another box, I am so excited to share the yummy treats they got to make.

But first…a little something about this box. 

What comes in each box?


Winc Wine club


You all know I love getting boxes in the mail, whether it’s a subscription box or a club box, and I do a little twirl at my mailbox when one comes in.  (That may explain a lot to my neighbors!) Well this box had me doing a full cartwheel because Winc is a WINE BOX!!! 

Wine + surprise = Heaven!!

I love to try new wines, but I seem to always go with the same ones.  This personalized wine club is a wonderful way to add some variety to your wine rack. 

So, how does Winc work?

When you first begin, Winc will ask you 6 questions to help them assess your unique taste. Then you sit back, and each month they send you 4 wines specifically chosen to match your palate. After tasting your selection, you rate your wine, so they can get to know your palate even more.  Love red?  That’s fine.  Only want to do white but hate chardonnay? That’s fine too. 

Not everyone loves a surprise, right?  Well that’s fine too because your other option is to select your own wine.  This option gives you all the control.

So, before we go on…I know you’re dying to see what wine I got in my box!!


New England’s Finest


When I think of New England summers I picture sitting on Adirondack chairs by the lake watching my girls jumping off the dock while the dog digs in the sand.  Life is simple and easy.  Even cooking takes on a new look.  It’s all about cooking on the grill and eating fresh vegetables from the farmers market.  This grilling box from New England’s Finest could not have come at a better time! We loved their box this winter and we couldn’t wait to see what this one held.

What do I love about this box?

New England’s Finest gives each of their boxes a theme.  This for The Grill box could not have come at a better time.  I could se it being a great box for Father’s Day, a housewarming gift, or for that special someone in your life that is a foodie.


My Top 10 Restaurant Picks for Portsmouth, NH


Portsmouth, New Hampshire is one of my favorite seacoast towns in New England.  In addition to beaches, great shopping, and beautiful parks, Portsmouth has a thriving restaurant scene.  It has everything from breweries to ice cream shops and most are family friendly.  With so many options, how can you choose? Here are my top 10 picks:


Why You Should Try New Food While on Vacation

Who can think of traveling to Italy without picturing a steaming plate of pasta and a glass of chianti?  Or have you ever had a faint aroma of a dish and you are suddenly transported right back to where you were on vacation when you ate it?  Food has a huge impact on travel and it can help build memories, so we encourage our kids to be open to new dining experiences.  I like our kids to have the mentality: “I don’t need to like it but I really should try it.” Who knows…their taste buds might thank them. 


Cozido…Eating a Meal Cooked in a Hot Spring



Sao Miguel, Azores is one of the most beautiful, friendliest islands we’ve ever been to.  It is located 950 miles from mainland Portugal but it is a completely different world.  The island has a gorgeous coastline, stunning flowers, and perhaps the best seafood I’ve ever tasted. It is the largest island of the Azores but can be viewed in a day or two. It was here we got to experience the best cozido we’ve ever had! 

One of the coolest meals we’ve ever experienced was in Sao Miguel. The island has lots of hot springs so they have created an interesting way to cook your meals.  They take a pot and fill it with delicious, local ingredients, cover it, and place it directly in the ground.  There the food slowly cooks by volcanic steam and after 5-6 hours you get a perfectly cooked meal created by Mother Nature.  It is like an underground crock pot!
