Jerpoint Abbey & Rock of Cashel

Two spots you must visit when traveling to Ireland is Jerpoint Abbey and Rock of Cashel.  You have to see these gorgeous spots!

Jerpoint Abbey

Jerpoint Abbey is a gorgeous 12 century Cistercian abbey with an amazing cloister.  It was constructed in 1180 as a dedication to the Blessed Virgin.  Ask for a kid’s scavenger hunt at the front desk.  It kept my girls entertained during our visit and made them look closely at the abbey.  Just look at how perfect it is!



Address: Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland

Tel +056 772 4623

Admission Fees:

Adult: €5.00

Group/Senior: €4.00

Child/Student: €3.00

Family: €13.00

Visit their website for their schedule:

Rock of Cashel

Also known as St. Patrick’s Rock of Cashel, there are several spots you need to see: the cathedral, the round tower, and Cormac’s Chapel.  Look at how amazing it is!

One of my favorite spots at the abbey was the graveyard.  It was mystical and you feel a sense of peace there.  The views are breathtaking on all sides!


Address: Cashel, Ireland.  Co. Tipperary

Tel: +353 62 61437

Admission: Adult : €8.00

Group / Senior : €6.00

Child / Student : €4.00

Family : €20.00

Visit their website for their schedule: