Surviving Airport Security with Kids


We’ve all seen those parents that, after going through airport security with kids, look like they’ve walked through a hurricane.  Their hair is disheveled, belt half off, arms full of clothes, and a crying kiddo following behind them.  Ok…so most of us have BEEN those people and it’s not fun at all.  All of this craziness can usually be avoided with a bit of planning. 

Here are 10 tips for surviving airport security with kids:


Um…no…not THAT talk.  Talk to your kiddos about what to expect when going through security.  Better yet…show them.  Grab a carry-on bag, pretend your kitchen table is the security area, and walk them through exactly what happens.  Show them they may need to take off their shoes (depending on where you’re traveling) and that they’ll have to let go of Teddy for a few minutes as he takes a fun ride through a magic machine.  Get them involved with the simulation so they feel prepared.


 It floors me that people are still bringing full size bottles through airport security.  An easy way to remember the rule is 3-1-1: 3.4 oz bottles or less for all liquids, gels, and aerosols; placed in a 1-quart clear plastic bag; per 1 person.  Security could care less how much your shampoo costs.  If it is over 3.4 oz they will take it and it will hold up the line. (I learned the hard way that DRY shampoo is actually a liquid…no matter how much I begged.)


 One thing I never wear when traveling is a belt.  It’s such a waste of time to have to take it off then put it back on.  Also, chunky jewelry gets packed away or left at home.  You never know what costume jewelry is made of so I don’t risk setting off metal detectors just to wear a chunky bracelet.  


 I try to never go through security with a coat because as long as we are in an airport or a plane, I know we won’t need them.  So, as soon as we get into the airport we take our off coats and put them in our suitcases.  On the way home, I make sure they are packed away but still accessible for our walk back to the car.  As for shoes, we always wear ones that can be quickly taken off and put back on.  I avoid laces at all cost, especially when the kids were young. 


 When going through airport security with kids, you may forget one thing…pockets.  I rarely have much in my pockets but I’m amazed at all the junk my kids fit into theirs! Do a pat-down before you leave for the airport and clean those pockets out. 


I hate being late because I begin to panic.  Panic equals stress and it’s just not necessary to add extra stress to travel.  After all, you are supposed to be heading somewhere to relax. Give yourself plenty of time to get through security so you don’t feel like you need to rush.


 The number one thing that aggravates me while going through security are the people who wait until the very last minute to begin getting their stuff ready.  Usually it’s because they’re having a leisurely discussion with people they’re traveling with and seem to have all the time in world.  Pay attention to the line, start gathering your stuff, and be ready to go as soon as you can reach a tray.  Need motivation? I just tell myself that there’s a cocktail waiting for me at the other side of security!


 Don’t wait to be asked to take your laptop out.  Just do it.  Unsure if an electronic device needs to be taken out of your bag?  Read the signs, listen to the staff, and if in doubt…just take it out.  Don’t make them run your bag through the scanner twice.


 If it can fit in a bag then that’s where it goes.  Some people carry half of their worldly possessions when going through security.  If it’s not an absolute necessity then it can stay in the carry-on until after you get through.  Make sure your kids have all toys put away in their backpack so their hands are empty and ready to help.


 As soon as my kids were able to help, I put them to work.  I’m not their Sherpa so they can carry some of their own stuff.  Kids are capable of loading shoes, jackets, and backpacks onto their trays.  They’ll feel mature being able to walk by themselves through the scanner and collecting their gear, so give them some of the responsibility and watch their confidence soar!


You’ve made it through security without a hair out of place!  Take a deep breath, (grab that cocktail) head to your gate, and have a memorable trip!

What tips do you have for getting through security with kids?