I love going to museums and have always wanted my kids to be just as excited about them as me. Their first museum was visited in a stroller, and when they were finally able to walk it was time to explore the Museum of Natural History in NYC. Some of my friends think it’s pointless to bring their kids because they don’t get anything out of it. Seriously? How can you possibly stand next to the statue of David and not get anything out of it? However, how do you entertain kids at museums?
Now don’t get me wrong, my kids and I don’t stand at a painting and discuss the contrasting and muted tones or the use of negative space. It usually sounded more like, “Hahaha…look Mom…BOOBS!”
My girls have been to museums in NYC, Boston, Portugal, London, and Greece and have never once told me they were bored. When they were young, they treated a museum as a place to use their imagination and they come up with some pretty cool ideas. Now that they’re teens they still love going to museums. I asked the girls to share in their own words some tips on how they’d entertain themselves at museums when they were younger. Take it away ladies…