15 Things to Do the Day Before You Go on Vacation

map and camera

15 Things to Do the Day Before You Go on Vacation

Planning for a vacation can be as exciting as the trip itself, but the day before departure is crucial to set yourself up for smooth sailing. There are some essential tasks you need to complete so you can jet off stress-free and make the most of your getaway. Here are 15 Things to Do the Day Before You Go on Vacation:

 Double-Check Your Travel Documents

Ensure your passport, ID, and travel tickets are packed and up-to-date. Print physical copies even if you’ve gone digital—a backup never hurts. If you’re traveling internationally, confirm visa requirements and entry restrictions. I always email myself a copy of important documents just in case they get lost while we’re traveling.

Confirm Your Reservations

Revisit all your bookings, from flights and hotels to rental cars and excursions. Double-check dates, times, and addresses. This ensures everything is set and helps avoid any last-minute surprises when you arrive. I also write down departure locations for all tours I’m taking.

Charge Your Electronics and Pack Chargers

Fully charge your phone, tablet, laptop, and power bank. Organize your chargers, adapters, and accessories in a dedicated pouch. A dead device while traveling can disrupt your plans—stay powered up and ready.

latte and a cellphone

Prepare Your Home for Your Absence


40 Useful Items for a Cruise

The items I packed for a cruise were so different from the things I usually pack for a trip.  It was exciting getting to research and shop for items I don’t usually buy.  You know me…I asked everyone’s opinions and read lots of blogs to see what I would need. I bought some and borrowed some, and am so thankful for all the recommendations. Here are 40 useful items for a cruise:

Luggage Tag Holders

You check your luggage when you get to the ship so these are a must since you have to attach the paper luggage tag they make you print out.


When you get on the boat, they give you a card with your name/picture on it.  You have to pull it out all the time because it’s your room key. It is also used whenever you get a drink or get on/off the boat at ports.

Magnetic Cabin Hooks

Who knew the walls and door were magnetic? You can use the clip to hand your lanyard so you don’t forget it when you leave the room. You can also use them to organize cruise daily schedules.

Non Surge Protector Power Strips

My room had 2 outlets so it was nice to have more spots to charge my hair straightener, phone and computer chargers, and blow dryer.


15 Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep in a Hotel

15 Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep in a Hotel

You spend so much time planning the perfect getaway, but it’s not so perfect when you’re wide awake at 3 am.  Talk about frustrating! Those nights can be endless and makes me want to throw something. So, what can you do to ensure you get a good night’s sleep in a hotel? Here are 15 tips:

Before you get to the hotel:


Not all rooms are created equally so don’t be afraid to make some requests.  You may want to avoid rooms that are on the first floor, or near elevators, ice machines, or housekeeping closets.


If you know me you know I’ve been on the search for the perfect pillow for year.  (Still haven’t found it…. gggrrrrrr) If you’re picky about your pillow choice, you may want to bring your own.  Thick, hard pillows or thin deflated ones may be your neck’s worse nightmare. 


Nothing is worse than planning on sleeping in, when suddenly a ray of sunshine pierces your eyes at 6 am! Most rooms have light block shades, but an eye mask takes up almost no room in your bag, so you may want to bring on.  It is better to be safe than sorry.


What to Pack for Sleepaway Camp

Summer camp is right around the corner and that means it’s time to start planning.  One of the most stressful things about camp is your kids needing something but you not being able to give it to them right away.  That’s where the planning comes in. With the right list you can sit back and relax that they’ll have everything they need. So, what should you pack for sleepaway camp?


My girls got their trunks from Everything Summer Camp.  It has so many fun colors to choose from! Word of warning…they will be using this trunk for many years and bubblegum pink may be great for a fourth grader, but will they still like it in high school?

Fun stickers to decorate their trunk

Their camp requires you to bring a plastic chest of drawers

CLOTHING (Label everything!)


Long sleeve shirts

A pair of jeans

Athletic pants or leggings



To-Do List for a Trip


If you know me then you know I LOVE LISTS!! I get so nervous about forgetting things that a list helps calm my anxiety.  Getting ready for a trip can be really stressful because there are so many little things to remember.  I thought I would share with you my to-do list for a trip …it’s a lifesaver!


10 Ways to Get Kids Excited About Your Next Trip

I start to get giddy from the second I begin planning a trip and the closer it get the more excited I get.  However, it sometimes takes a bit of nudging to get the kids to show a little enthusiasm.

Here are 10 ways to get your kids excited about your next trip:


A Peek at How I Pack


My husband should win an award for packing.  Since he travels weekly for work, he has it down to a science.  It takes him about fifteen minutes, he rarely forgets anything, and he doesn’t even use a list…gasp! He’s explained his system to me and it involved the order of how he unpacks his clothes at a hotel, but it could never work for me.  My world consists of a list, Post-It notes, and a highlighter. Honestly…what would the world do without a highlighter! I’m a visual person so I need to see it right in front of me.  Also, when we’re traveling for my blog we don’t travel like most people.  In Iceland we stayed in seven hotels in 10 days and had different activities each day, making packing a challenge.  My method works for me so I wanted to give you a peek at how I pack.


Packing Smart

Packing Smart


There is so much planning before a trip.  Since so many of my friends are heading off on Winter Break this month, I thought I’d share some tips for how to pack smart.  Also, make sure you revisit my To-Do List for a Trip.



Write it all down.  I have no idea how my husband packs for a trip with no lists.  Me…I go overboard.  I blame it on being a visual person but in reality, it’s probably because I have a small attention span.  Anyway, I keep a packing list and it does not get crossed off until it’s in my bag.

What will you be doing? Will you need goggles and snorkels? Will you need jeans to go horseback riding? Will you need hiking boots? Sometimes it’s easy to forget to pack things for your activities.

Check the weather.  Never underestimate how weather can affect your travels.  In my planning stage, I look up the average temp of our destination and then I make sure I check it again before I put any clothes into my suitcase.


Being Prepared for Sick Kids on Vacation


I’ll never forget our nightmare eventful first morning on our trip to Turks and Caicos.  I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and waves crashing as I rolled over and wrapped myself up in our fluffy down comforter.  Oh, and did I mention it was a white comforter? When suddenly I noticed my sleepy five-year-old standing by my side lean over and throw up all over our bed. Perfect start to our vacation!

You can’t prevent your kids from being sick or getting hurt, but you can be prepared for these vacation hiccups by packing a few supplies.  We’ve seen it all…pneumonia in the Turks, ear infection in Florida, stomach bug in St. Lucia, sliced chin in Grand Cayman, jellyfish sting in Santorini, and countless sunburns.  (Holy cow…we’ve had some really bad luck!)  I’ve learned to pack for many “what if” situations.  Here’s what I always carry on vacation for these occasions:
