For my birthday this year, my girls and I decided to head to Boston to check some things off our list that we’ve wanted to do. Since we were already planning to do the Old Town Trolley Hop-On Hop-Off bus, (don’t forget to read all about our ride!) we decided to get off at one of their last stops… the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum. Also, since it’s summer vacation, it’s nice that they got to learn about an important time in American history (Just don’t tell them it was educational…sssshhh). I really had no clue what to expect, since I’m not too thrilled about doing tours through museums. I was pleasantly surprised that the tour is actually a fully immersive tour. The characters were so authentic, we felt like we had stepped back in time. Here’s a peek at our experience:
Our first stop was to go to the meeting house to meet us with some of the local townspeople on this historic night in 1773 Boston.

Since it is a dangerous time, we were given a feather to represent a disguise, as well as cards that told us all about the character we were.

The townspeople were completely riled up at all the tension that was mounting! She helped to remind us of the events that have been happening that led us all to this meeting house.
Samuel Adams showed up and pumped us all up to finally make a stand and fight for what was right.

We crept out of the meeting house and headed straight for the ship called The Eleanor, to join the Sons of Liberty and start some action.

One of the Sons of Liberty got us all riled up (and I’ve got to admit he was pretty hysterical) We all screamed “HUZZAH!!!” and started our mission.

We went below deck to get a peek at what life is like on these ships. We passed by the Captain in his cabin, and saw where they held the cargo. Since it was late, I would have loved to lie down in the crew’s quarters, but there was no time for rest tonight. We headed back up and did what we came to do…throw the tea overboard!

There was no backing out now!

After a long night of throwing tea, we made it back to Griffin’s Harbor where we learned the potential ramifications of our actions!

We were not alone in our night of madness, many people joined in.

We got to remember how heavy the tea was that we threw the night before.

We couldn’t get over how heavy tea is!

We entered the museum and stepped back into present time, as we watched a film called, “Let it Begin Here” which told all about the events of Paul Revere’s midnight ride and the beginning of the American Revolution. This powerful movie tied the whole experience together and showed the passion of everyone involved.
Tips for a great day at the Tea Party Ships and Museum:
Hours: Open daily 10am- 5pm
Off season open 10am-4pm
Cost: Adults $29.95
Children (ages 5-12) $21.95
The tour lasts about an hour and 15 minutes (lasts one hour during off season).
You must take the tour…you can’t just walk through on your own.
Visit the tea room after your tour to sample some tea, or purchase a beverage or snack.
A big thank you to the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum for a fun time recreating history with you! This is a wonderful stop for families and is a great way for kids (and adults) to learn about “the single most important event leading up to the American Revolution.” As always, all opinions and experiences are 100% of