Confession…I’m a travel blogger that doesn’t love flying. I can’t sleep on a plane, am never fully relaxed, and squeeze the heck out of the hand of the person next to me during takeoff. Kids learn from your behavior and I want mine to love flying so I’ve learned to keep it together during flights. I’ve developed some coping strategies that really help me while flying. Here are my top tips for nervous flyers:
Some of my tips for nervous flyers happen before they even get on a plane. Make sure you have plenty of things to do that will keep your mind off your worries. I love to get lost in a good movie, so I always download some onto my electronics. Don’t count on the plane to provide good movies; it’s always better to bring your own and not use them. I also load new music onto my phone.
Ironically, takeoff and landing are the times when I’m most nervous and that’s when you can’t use electronics! I always plan things to do like a new book, a magazine, or a crossword puzzle. Here are some great books.