Tips for Nervous Flyers

Confession…I’m a travel blogger that doesn’t love flying.  I can’t sleep on a plane, am never fully relaxed, and squeeze the heck out of the hand of the person next to me during takeoff.  Kids learn from your behavior and I want mine to love flying so I’ve learned to keep it together during flights.  I’ve developed some coping strategies that really help me while flying.  Here are my top tips for nervous flyers:


Some of my tips for nervous flyers happen before they even get on a plane. Make sure you have plenty of things to do that will keep your mind off your worries.  I love to get lost in a good movie, so I always download some onto my electronics. Don’t count on the plane to provide good movies; it’s always better to bring your own and not use them.  I also load new music onto my phone.   


 Ironically, takeoff and landing are the times when I’m most nervous and that’s when you can’t use electronics! I always plan things to do like a new book, a magazine, or a crossword puzzle. Here are some great books


To-Do List for a Trip


If you know me then you know I LOVE LISTS!! I get so nervous about forgetting things that a list helps calm my anxiety.  Getting ready for a trip can be really stressful because there are so many little things to remember.  I thought I would share with you my to-do list for a trip …it’s a lifesaver!


Travel Like a Local: 15 Ways to Plan the Perfect Trip

Vacations are the perfect time to immerse yourself into a new culture.  Many people like to feel like they are part of a new community and experience what everyday life is like there.  So how can you feel like a local when you are a tourist?  Sounds impossible?  Here are 15 ways to travel like a local:


 If you want to travel like a local, a condo/townhouse/house will surround you in everyday life.  Staying at your own place lets you immerse yourself into the community.  Enjoy some coffee in your backyard, people-watch from your front stoop, and say hello to your new neighbors.  Check out my article on how to choose the perfect rental


Tips for Staying in a Hotel During COVID-19

After not traveled for six months, I was finally ready to step out of my comfort bubble, kiss the kids goodbye, and peel out of my driveway head to one of my favorite states…Maine.  I base my travels on risk vs. reward and for a while I felt safer at home with my family during this pandemic. I had to come to the realization that travel would not be the same right now.  However, it was doable.   I knew that one day I would feel comfortable packing my bags and heading off on an adventure, but I also knew I would have to put new safety measures on my agenda.

Here are 10 tips I learned from my first trip during COVID-19.


I decided that the first place I would go to would be somewhere I’ve previously stayed so I’d know exactly what it is like. Ask yourself the following questions: Is the hotel in an area that has a high amount of positive cases? Does the state have any requirements for quarantining before you go? Are attractions open, like beaches, state parks, or hiking trails.  I chose Maine because they were so strict with self-quarantining, and I knew I’d feel safe. Is there enough to do on the grounds of the hotel or will you just be confined to your room?


Does the hotel stress what they’ve been doing to sanitize rooms? Have they changed the amount of people they allow to book? Does the hotel offer contactless check-in? Do they provide sanitation stations throughout the hotel? The hotel may have closed many amenities, so make sure you research before you book.



10 Reasons to Stay in an All-Inclusive Resort

St. Marten: Have the perfect family vacation in St. Marten with your kids!

The choice between hotel and all-inclusive is a hard one.  Some people see the prices and wonder if it’s really worth it. What draws so many people towards this option?

Here are 10 great reasons to choose to stay in an all-inclusive resort:


Top 10 Reasons for a Rental!


After a few long, whiny, nights full of crying and fussing…and that was me, not the kids…we started renting condos for vacations.  Think a rental might be a good option for your family?  Here are 10 reasons for a rental:


I don’t know about you, but the most important factor of our accommodations is my family has their own space to spread out. When we are in cramped areas we slowly turn into cornered animals that can turn on each other in a split second. It turns into a National Geographic documentary with my daughters stalking each other like prey. OK, OK…that may be pushing it…but it sure is nice to have some room.  A house rental gives everyone their privacy and allows us all to choose our own schedule. My husband is a night owl so it’s great for when he wants to go in the living room to watch some TV after the kids go to bed, or allows my daughters to sleep in if I get up early.


Pros/Cons of Staying in a Hotel on Vacation

St. Ermin’s Hotel

Where you stay can make or break your vacation.  We once stayed in a hotel in NYC that placed  earplugs on the nightstand because of its loud neighborhood. When planning your trip, the first decision is should you stay at a hotel, all-inclusive, or rent a place.  Today we’ll focus on hotels, so let’s start by breaking down the reasons why you should or should not stay in a hotel:



YES!!! Cheers break out from moms everywhere!! Even on vacation parents do not get a vacation from being a parent.  The advantage of having a hotel room is you can’t cook…not even if you wanted to! Don’t get tricked into getting a room with a kitchenette or you may as well put your apron on.


 A week of not making beds or vacuuming sounds like heaven to me.  Leave the housekeepers a big fat tip because they deserve it.


10 Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe While Traveling


Since it’s Spring break for New Englanders, I thought I would repost one of my articles on how to keep your home safe while you’re traveling.  Hope it’s helpful! Safe travels!

Vacation is a time for relaxation and tranquility, but it’s human nature to worry about the house you left behind.  A home is a huge responsibility and you want to keep it safe even when you are away.  The following are 10 tips for keeping your home safe while traveling:

1.     ASK SOMEONE TO WATCH YOUR HOUSE.  Personally, I don’t feel the need to hire a house sitter for a short trip.  My house is able to take care of itself.  However, I do let my neighbors know that I’ll be away so they can keep an eye on anything suspicious.  It’s nice to get a quick text saying our house is still standing.

2.    PUT YOUR MAIL ON HOLD.  It takes ten minutes to get online and put your mail on hold.  Nothing screams, “No one’s home!” like mail bulging out of a street mailbox.  I have delivery start the day we return so it’s there when we get home.   


Tips for Relieving Jet Lag

Jet lag can make or break your vacation because it is this foggy cloud that settles over you.  My husband travels to California for work and I have no clue how his body acclimates to the time difference so well.  I started to do some research and realized there are things you could do to adjust your body to jet lag, so I thought I’d share some of the tips I’ve found:


The medical term for jet lag is desynchronosis.  It is a physiological condition that is caused when the body’s circadian rhythms (internal time clock) is warped due to rapid long-distance (east–west or west–east) travel.


Everyone can experience different symptoms of jet lag.  Personally, I feel like I have a cloud of smog surrounding my head.  People complain of having memory problems, a hard time concentrating, irritation, difficulty making decisions, loss of appetite, tired muscles, and bathroom issues. 

So, what can you do to prevent some of these symptoms?


15 Ways to Entertain Kids on a Plane

One of the questions I’m most asked is “What tips do you have for keeping kids happy and busy on a plane?”  So I thought this would be a wonderful time to re-post one of my most popular articles.
Before I had kids I was a horrible flyer.  When turbulence would hit I’d practically sit on the lap of the person seated next to me.  (Awkward!) But after having kids, those fears were replaced by an even scarier one… fear of the crying/screaming child!! I want our vacation fun to start as soon as we get on the plane so I had to develop some tricks to keep the natives from getting restless. Now that my girls are 7 & 9 they can entertain themselves, but they’ve come to love our plane traditions so they’ve stuck.  Here are my Top 15 Ways to Entertain a Kid on a Plane:
