10 Things to do when You’re Sick While Traveling
Life doesn’t always happen the way you want it to and sometimes even when you’re in paradise, you can get sick. I wish you could just snap your fingers and feel better, but it’s not that easy. However, there are some things you can do to help your recovery or at least make yourself more comfortable. Here are 10 things you can do when you’re sick while traveling:
REST: I know you’ve spent a long time planning this trip and have lots of adventures you want to do, but if you don’t want to be sick for your entire trip, you need to get some rest. Grab some pillows and blankets and camp out on the couch in your hotel room. Tell your family to have a fun day without you and spend your day recovering.
SLEEP: I’m sure you’re dying to get out and explore the town, but you need to get plenty of sleep. Go to bed early and sleep late. Lack of sleep will weaken your immune system so this is the perfect time to take naps. I always pack Nyquil in my suitcase.
HOT SHOWERS: A stuffy head, aching sinuses, and a nagging cough may have you feeling miserable, but a hot steamy shower will loosen the congestion and make you breathe a little easier. You could also run hot water in the bathroom sink, hold your head over it and drape a towel over yourself to get some reliefs. Be careful not to burn yourself.