10 Ways to Reacclimate Your Family After Vacation
Your feet are sifting the grains of sand between your toes as you sip on your frozen cocktail while feeling the ocean breeze on your sun kissed cheeks. Then suddenly…BAAAAMMMM…back to reality…laundry…BAM… homework…BAM…afterschool sports…BAM…late nights at the office…BAM…the list goes on and on. It’s very easy to get sad and overwhelmed after a trip as you slip back into your everyday routine. So how can you make this emersion a little easier for your crew?
Here are 10 ways to reacclimate your family after vacation.
1. GET RIGHT BACK INTO ROUTINE: Since you may still be in laid-back mode (or running on island time) it’s all about preparation. Have your kids pack their backpacks the night before school, lay out their clothes, and even set out their coats and shoes.
2. PREP SOME DINNER: The last thing you want to think about when you return is what you’re having for dinner. Have something on hand that can quickly be reheated like a frozen pizza, canned soup, pasta, or a frozen meal.