15 Safety Tips for Solo Travelers

15 Safety Tips for Solo Travelers

Traveling solo can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s important to keep safety in mind at all times. About a month before my solo trip to Puerto Rico I began to get really anxious. We’re talking, “What the heck am I thinking? Should I cancel this trip?” Then I reminded myself that women do this every day and as long as I plan ahead, stay alert, and remain level-headed, I could do this. As a solo traveler, you are responsible for your own safety, and it’s important to take precautions to avoid any potential dangers. Here are 15 safety tips for solo travelers.

Research Your Destination

 Before you leave, research your destination thoroughly. Look up any safety concerns and read about any recent incidents or crime reports. Are there areas you should avoid?

Stay in a Safe Area

 Choose accommodation in a safe area, preferably with good reviews from other travelers. Avoid areas that are known for crime or that have a high rate of theft. Once I’ve decided on a hotel, I looked on blogs and TripAdvisor and emailed people with safety questions I had. As for the hotel, is there a 24-hour front desk? Is there a doorman or security on duty all night? I like to bring a door lock and alarm.

Avoid Walking Alone, Especially at Night

 If possible, avoid walking alone at night, especially in areas that are unfamiliar to you. If you want to explore an area, take a peek HERE to find a reputable tour.

Use Trusted Transportation


How to Feel at Home while Traveling

 People sometimes say they don’t travel because they hate the feeling of being away from home.  Traveling is about the unknown, and that makes some people uncomfortable.  So how can you feel at home while traveling? The trick is to bring a piece of home with you…wherever you are. 

Here are 10 tips to feel at home while traveling


  If you work out every morning then head to the fitness room.  If you have a bedtime ritual, don’t let being in a hotel stop you.  Bring your face wash, makeup removal, and moisturizer.


Solo Travel…15 Things You Can Do Alone

Solo travel can be intimidating but also good for the whole family. I love my kiddos but it’s also nice to get away and have some “Me Time.”  My kids don’t mind because they know I recharge, regroup, relax and come back with much more patience.  My husband doesn’t see the fun in traveling alone and often asks me why I’d want to do it.  Friends seem shocked when I tell them I’m doing a solo trip and ask me if I’m bored and what I could possibly do while I’m there to entertain myself. 

Here are 15 things you can do when traveling alone:



 You’ve got to eat so why not make the most of it.  This trip is all about you so find something the rest of your family may not enjoy.  I always find it’s the perfect time for sushi, Thai, or Indian, since not everyone in my family will eat it.  It is also a great time to get room service, pour a glass of wine, and eat pizza in bed without anyone asking if they can have a bite!

Get Lost

  I plan everything out when I’m on a trip but when I’m alone I often leave down time to wander the streets or take a drive to see where it will lead me.  I’m open to changes in plans and welcome last-minute adventures.
